Chemsafe Dual Contained Piping Systems

Biosecurity is the management of risks to the economy, the environment and the community, of pests and diseases entering, emerging, establishing or spreading in specific areas.

Biosecurity can be implemented offshore, at the border and on-farm or in research and development.  By implementing the recommended measures within your project design, you will improve your own biosecurity and that of your region, while minimising production losses and unnecessary costs.

Our Biosafe products range from dual contained manhole chambers, holding tanks, piping systems and more, to provide the safe, and fully sealed transmission of bio-hazardous fluids, gases and wastes, including human and animal infectious diseases in high containment level ACDP and Specified Animal Pathogens Oder CL3 and CL4 licensed facilities.

Materials of Manufacture

  • Thermoplastic Homopolymer Polypropylene (PP-H)
  • High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
  • Polyvinylidene Fluoride PVDF


  • Unique, robust multi-layer protection BIOSEAL™ jointing systems for optimal bio-secure protection
  • Bespoke and standard sizes factory tailored to meet the exact bio-security requirements of individual end user operators and facility owners
  • Manufactured offsite for fast track installation
  • Meets the fully welded and sealed requirements as stated in 2007 HSE report into foot and mouth outbreak
  • Designed for maximum visual inspection and minimum physical man-entry maintenance
  • Highly corrosion resistant

We are experts in the manufacture and installation of Biosecurity Drainage systems and can assist you with specifications, specific drainage details and project costing. Please contact us for more information.

Relevant resources

  • Technical documents

Technical documents

  • PX-PS-CS-01 FGS Chemsafe Dual Contained Specification
All Pipex Flow and Environmental Solutions Products

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